Ireland and World War Two

Ireland and World War Two

Neutrality  1. Ireland declared its neutrality on the day after war broke out.

2. The war years became known as 'the Emergency'

3. The Emergency Powers Act that gave the government extensive powers to secure public safety and the preservation of the state.
Why was Ireland neutral?   1. It was a true test of Irish self-determination and an assertion of sovereignty and independence.

2. It was part of a complex political strategy.

3. Neutrality was also the policy of national unity

4. It was a popular among the population.

5. Ireland's military weakness was glaringly exposed

6. Possible because of return of the Treaty ports in 1938.

7. De Valera was disillusioned with the League of Nations

8. He had come to believe that small nations should not be the pawns of larger nations.

9. De Valera claimed that partition remained a continued affront to Ireland and that military collaboration could not come about whilst Ireland remained divided.

10. Britain briefly was willing to consider the possibility of reunification.

Agriculture   1. Shortages of fertilisers

2. In 1940 compulsory tillage.

3. Home produced foodstuffs

4. Dairy, sheep and cattle - exports to Britain.

5. Farmers had not recovered from the economic war unable to fully benefit from British demand

6. Irish farmers suffered from an outbreak of foot-and-mouth in 1941.

7. Agriculture earned money for the country
Economic Impact   1. Seán Lemass appointed Minister of Supplies in 1940

2. State shipping service established

3. Rationing to sugar, tea and fuel, then clothing and bread in 1942. Gas, electricity and petrol. Coal replaced by peat

4. The railway system badly affected. Machinery were difficult to maintain and repair

5. Imported raw materials in short supply and limits on the use of gas and electricity affected industry

6. Many factory workers were unemployed or part-time

7. Wages were controlled by the Wages Standstill Order of 1941. Inflation was high (70%), living standards fell

8. Emigration important for relieving social unrest.
De Valera and the US   1. David Gray, the American representative, disliked De Valera and Irish neutrality

2. The 'American note' demanded that the German and Japanese missions in Dublin be closed in order to prevent details of the Normandy Landings leaking out.

3. De Valera refused - the Allies imposed a ban on travel to and from Britain until after D-Day.

4. De Valera's biggest blunder was signing the book of condolence on Hitler's death
Dealing with the British   1. Neither Germany nor Britain gambled on invading Ireland

2. Britain (by virtue of partition) had use of Irish bases, and felt that invasion would present more problems than it would solve.

3. After 1941 the immediate threat to Britain receded

4. De Valera took a strong line with the IRA in order to avoid the angering Britain.

5. 500 IRA members spent the war interned in the Curragh.

6. De Valera insisted that Hempel's (the German ambassador) radio transmitter was shut down in 1942 because American and British pressure.

7. John Maffey, the British representative, developed a good working relationship with De Valera.
A Pro-Allied Neutrality   1. It was in Ireland's economic interest to maintain trading relationships with Britain

2. Ireland supplied food to Britain

3. 40,000 served in British forces.

4. 120,000 went to work in Britain.

5. Weather reports were sent secretly and RAF planes flew over Irish airspace.

6. Allied prisoners were allowed to 'escape'.

7. The Irish government passed on information and intelligence from diplomatic sources.
North Stand Bombing

North Strand Interview on Bombing
What was the Emergency in Ireland??
Ireland During WW2
Escaping the Bombs

1. Neutrality was popular - civilian escaped the suffering elsewhere.

2. The Belfast Blitz provided a demonstration of this.

3. There were a few bombings on the South

4. One dropped on the North Strand, Dublin in May 1941 killing 28 people

5. Probably accidental but may have been a warning from the Germans about the consequences of siding with Britain.



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